Pre-close HDFC credit Card

How to pre-close HDFC credit card EMI

” How to pre-close HDFC credit card emi” is such a crucial question that requires a clear understanding of the process. This process has simple steps, but If we fail to follow it properly, we may lost our SIBIL score.

It’s an excellent idea to pre-close ongoing HDFC credit card emi. One can save the interest payment that he is supposed to pay. The pre-closure process of the HDFC credit card loan requires simple hassle-free steps. You can initiate the process of pre-closure by taking the help of customer care or by using internet banking or even by email services of HDFC bank.

Our research team has collected vital essential information related to pre-close HDFC credit card EMI; we recommend your perusal, It won’t take more than two to three minutes of your precious time.

  • Pre close HDFC credit card emi
  • Pre close HDFC credit card instaloan
  • Pre-close HDFC credit card loan
  • Pre close HDFC credit card jumbo loan
  • Pre close HDFC credit card emi through net banking
  • Pre close HDFC credit card smart emi loan
  • Pre close HDFC credit card loan by email
  • Pre close HDFC credit card by phone
  • ICICI credit card  customer care
  • Pros and Cons
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently asked questions

Pre close HDFC credit card emi

Pre closure of HDFC credit card emi requires a pre-closure charges equal to 3% of the outstanding amount to be paid. The following essential points are helpful in pre-closure of HDFC credit card-

  • Along with pre-closure charges of 3%, GST charges require to pay. GST is applicable on monthly interest paid, pre-closure charges, and processing fees.
  • Please check, If there is any outstanding amount that requires full payment before the pre-closure process.
  • You can pre-close the HDFC credit card emi with the help of the customer care services of HDFC. You can do it by visiting the nearest branch of the HDFC bank. You have the option to initiate the process of pre-closure of credit card emi with the help of an internet banking facility.
  • Contact Customer care service number (STD code) 61606161      by registered phone or mobile. Customer care automated machines will give you a different option to press the name on your crucial mobile board. Select the option of credit card/debit card.
  • Choose the option of total outstanding amount calculation of the pre-closure amount of emi loan up to date. It will let you know how much amount require to pay at that time.  This amount is inclusive of pre-closure charges and taxes.
  • You have to pay the require outstanding amount in favor of the credit card.
  • Once the outstanding amount is precise, you can request to close the loan with the help of customer care.
  • You can request to close the emi loan at the HDFC bank branch also by visiting the office.
  • A pre-closure request could be made with the help of online banking. Once you log in to the internet banking portal, you have to select the credit card section. By scrolling it, you have to know the outstanding amount of loans. You can calculate the present pre-closure amount of investment.
  • After clearing the outstanding amount, you have to go to the outbox and select the option of email. Send an email to the Manager, of customer care requesting him to close the emi loan and inform him that there is no outstanding amount. 

Pre close HDFC credit card installment

HDFC credit card installment or instant loan is known as one of the fast-sanctioning loans. It is sanctioned in one second just after you apply online from your internet banking. The processes for pre-closure of HDFC credit card installment following steps are essential to follow-

  • Calculate the outstanding pre-closure amount by using your internet banking login ID and adding three percent of pre-closure charges and GST. This you can ask from customer care services of HDFC bank also.
  • Deposit the above-calculated amount of money in favor of the credit card.
  • Go to the customer care and request them to close the ongoing installment as you have paid all the required outstanding amount.
  • You can take the help of an outbox email facility available in your internet banking to pre-close the instaloan. You have to email the customer care Manager requesting him to pre-close the HDFC credit card ongoing loan and let him know that you have cleared all the outstanding dues, including pre-closure charges and taxes.
  • Pre close HDFC credit card loan

HDFC credit card is useful to take mainly three different kinds of loans. The first and most popular one is installment, second is a jumbo loan, and the third is a smart emi loan. To pre-close the HDFC credit card loan, there is an almost similar process one has to adopt. However, there may be little difference in paying the outstanding amount of rules.

  • Go to the toll-free customer care services. Please Dial the number (STD code) 61606161. Dial the number for the loan as per instruction of the automated voice system. Put your credit card number for calculation of pre-closure of ongoing credit card loans. Note down the amount of money; you have to pay.
  • Clear the pre-closure money by depositing the required amount with the help of internet banking.
  • Go to internet banking and click on the credit card section. Check that the outstanding amount now has become zero.
  • Go to the mailbox available on the top right side of the screen, and send a mail to the Manager, customer care requesting him to close the ongoing loan against such and such credit card number. Inform him that you have paid all the outstanding as per the rule of pre-closure of the loan.

Pre close HDFC credit card jumbo loan

Insta Jumbo loan is known for its feature of going beyond the credit limit as the sanction of borrowing against the HDFC credit card is concerned.

If you want to pre-close the HDFC credit card jumbo loan, you have to follow the following procedure and conditions-

  • There is a pre-closure loan fee of the bank equal to three percent of the outstanding amount plus eighteen percent of Fees money as GST. You have to pay this extra amount of money with the full amount of the outstanding loan amount.
  • To check the exact amount of money required to pay before the pre-closure of the HDFC Jumbo loan, you are advised to contact the customer care of HDFC bank. There you can get information regarding the amount of money you have to clear.
  • Once you clear the outstanding amount, you have entitled to pre-close the ongoing loan. You can pre-close the loan with the help of customer care services or by the help of email.
  • If you wish to use the mail service for pre-closure of loan, you can mail the request letter from the mailbox available in your internet banking, or you can mail in ID- [email protected] from your registered email.   

Pre close HDFC credit card emi by net banking

One secure and customer favorite method to lend, close or pre-close of credit card loan is by the help of HDFC net banking. You can know the outstanding amount of the loan, calculate the pre-closure charges, and pay the full amount of the outstanding amount of money with the help of your HDFC credit card net banking.

After logging in to the credit card HDFC bank, the following essential actions you have to perform-

  • Go to the ongoing loan section. Know the outstanding amount of money.
  • For the pre-closure amount of charges, either you ask through customer care services of HDFC or put up an email to customer care from the mailbox available on internet banking.
  • Once the combined pre-closure of loan charges and the outstanding amount are known to you, you have to deposit the dues taking the help of credit card internet banking.
  • After clearing the dues against the loan taken on a credit card, you can send a mail to the Customer care Manager with a request to close such and such loan against the credit card. You can mail him by taking the help of the customer care number.

Pre close HDFC credit card loan by email

An email facility is also there available by HDFC bank to put up a pre-close HDFC credit card loan. You can use the email open in the mailbox of credit card internet banking or the direct mail ID –

[email protected]

The processes for pre-closure of HDFC credit card loans following steps are essential-

  • Post an email to know the pre-closure of the ongoing loan amount. This amount will be the total outstanding amount of money plus three percent pre-closure charges plus GST.
  • Transfer the pre-closure amount into the credit card account.
  • Again email announcing that you have paid the pre-closure amount of rupees and request the Manager to close the ongoing loan.

Pre close HDFC credit card emi by phone

You can pre-close the HDFC credit card by phone also. You have to use your mobile phone or landline phone, which is registered in the HDFC bank account. The following steps are helpful in pre-close the credit card-

  • First, you have to deactivate your card by connecting customer care services. Dial to the number (STD code) 61606161. Select the credit card option by dialing the number as per instruction.
  • Dial the number to know the outstanding amount of money against the credit card loan.
  • Deposit the amount before the closure of the credit card, if there is any.
  • Dial the number instructed for deactivation of the credit card.
  • Once the card is deactivated, again go to customer care and request for closure of your credit card loan. The automated machine will demand a one-time password; a closure of credit card loan notice will come in your email and phone by the bank.

ICICI credit card  customer care

The toll-free customer care service number is  (STD code of your town) 61606161. You can contact customer care by email address also-  [email protected]

Pros and cons

1)HDFC credit card loan pre closure process can be done in many ways-  by customer care, internet banking, visiting the nearest HDFC bank, by email, etc.
2)HDFC credit card emi pre-closure requires one to pay the additional charges that can be quickly deposited by internet banking.
3)Pre-closure of HDFC Credit card installment and jumbo loan both require to pay the same pre-closure charges i.e., three percent of outstanding amount plus GST.  
Pre-closure of credit card loans requires to pay three percent of outstanding amount as closure charges. One has to pay the VAT at the rate of eighteen percent of the closure charges also.


Pre-closure of HDFC Credit card loans can be completed in many ways. One can use the customer care services or HDFC credit card internet banking or by visiting the local branch of HDFC bank.

The pre closures of HDFC credit cards essentially require paying three percent of outstanding amounts as pre-closure charges. Eighteen percent of pre-closure costs have to pay additionally as taxes.

The customer care number for pre-closure work is  (STD code) 61606161. One can contact customer care also by email address –  [email protected]

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the additional charge required to pay for the pre-closure of the HDFC credit card loan?

You have to pay pre-closure charges equal to three percent of the outstanding amount of the loan. You also have to pay eighteen percent of the pre-closure charges as taxes. It is essential that before processing the application for pre-closure of credit card loans.

How can I pre-close the HDFC credit card instaloan?