Allahabad Bank Credit Card

Are you in search of Allahabad Bank credit card? Allahabad credit cards are unique and helpful for low economic classes. Allahabad bank offers credit card for artists, weavers, potato growers, etc.

If you want to open a credit card in Allahabad bank then you have reached in correct destination. Our research team is sharing all the information related to Allahabad bank credit card in this blog.

Allahabad bank is one of the oldest banks of India. It was established in 1865 at Allahabad. Allahabad bank has around 3235 number of branch offices across the whole country and abroad.!

Allahabad bank offers two very popular credit card – Allahabad bank General credit card (GCC) and Allahabad bank waver credit card (WCC).

Our research team has discussed the essential aspect of Allahabad credit card related in following paragraphs. You require giving your two to three minutes of time and going through on each and every point.

  • Allahabad credit rating,
  • Allahabad credit card charges,
  • Allahabad bank credit score,
  • Allahabad credit card offers.
  • Allahabad credit card eligibility requirements
  • Allahabad credit card documents requirement
  • Allahabad credit card apply
  • Allahabad credit card payment
  • Customer care
  • Pros and cons
  • Conclusion Frequently asked questions

Allahabad credit rating

Bank credit rating is measure of how a bank will pay its debt and go forward in business. Credit rating is accessed and granted by Institution like Mood’s Investor services, Fitch ratings, etc.

There is a quite essential relation between credit rating and the facility providing by bank to its investors or credit card holders.

 Allahabad bank’s current credit rating scores says that Allahabad bank has improved its rating to IND AA.  Thus, in New Year there is little good hope of business for Allahabad bank investors and credit card holders


Allahabad credit card charges

Allahabad waiver credit card grants maximum a loan of INR 200000/-. Its charges and interest are base rate plus 1.5 percent per annum. The charges are applied in the case of Allahabad Bank artisan credit card (ACC).

General credit card of Allahabad bank has motto to provide the money for an individual enterprises in non- farm sector. Maximum credit loan is INR 25000/- . Taken amount shall be paid in 42-45 equal installments. The rate of interest is 1.5 percent per annum.

Allahabad credit card offers

Allahabad offers credit card to assist the entrepreneur and weaker section of society. In this way the thought of issuing credit card by Allahabad bank is different from any other bank. Please go though web page –!

Allahabad Weavers credit card (WCC) is to assist the weaver’s community. The credit limit is INR two Lakh. This can be returned to bank in maximum 48 months. Interest rate is calculated based on base rate plus 1.5 percent per annum.

Allahabad bank Laghu Udhyami Credit Card (LUCC) is highly special as it offers a credit depending on project and approval of a Nayak committee. Nayak Committee is formed by bank having members from bank, Government side as well as Industry side.

The rate of interest in Laghu Udhyami credit card is little high, but competitive in comparison of similar kind of loan, it is only base rate plus five percent per annum.

Allahabad bank Artisan credit card (ACC) is also available to promote the Artisan. This credit card has credit limit of INR Two lakh payable in maximum fourty eight months. It has also interest rate equal to base rate plus 1.5 percent per annum.

Allahabad credit card eligibility requirements

Eligibility criterion for three main different credit card of Allahabad already reflects by the card caption. Let us take one by one. For the Indian Bank/Allahabad Bank app you can go through link –

Allahabad Weavers credit card (WCC)

  • Those who are recognized as weavers and have their name in the office of Development Commissioner of handloom will get a priority in issuing the Allahabad weavers credit card.
  • However, above criterion is not mandatory, those who have any account in Allahabad bank and has been doing transaction for a quite good time and have a good credit history are also eligible.
  • Third, any weaver attached to any society or self help group are also eligible to apply for this credit card.

Allahabad bank Laghu Udhyami Credit Card (LUCC)

  • Customer should have an account with Allahabad bank, three years good credit record is required.
  • Customers have to show the membership of Industries, Business and Service (IBS) sector.
  • Customer requires having a credit of INR ten lakh.

Allahabad bank Artisan credit card (ACC)

  • Artisan registered in the office of Development commissioner of Artisans is got priority in issuing this credit card.
  • However, any association with any such type society or self help group is also sufficient to avail the facility of this credit card.
  • Any customers of Allahabad bank having a good credit of last few years are also eligible to apply for this credit card facility.

Allahabad credit card documents requirement

Allahabad bank credit cards are mainly to help the artesian, agriculture growers, weavers or entrepreneur. Hence, credit cards require some additional documents related to their profession, but few common documents are common for any of the Allahabad credit card.

Following are list of documents required to submit with application form for credit card application-

  • For identity proof one can submit copy of Aadhar card, Pan Card, or driving license.
  • For resident proof- Aadhar card, driving license, electricity bills or water bills are sufficient.
  • Documents related to Artesian, Udyami or weavers are also required for application of varies Allahabad credit cards.

Allahabad credit card apply

There is no online facility for application for Allahabad credit card. Anyone interested in taking Allahabad credit card, advised to contact the Allahabad Bank branch. We have expressed all the necessary documents and requirements in above line, you can act accordingly.

Allahabad credit card payment

Allahabad credit card payment can be done by online banking facility of Allahabad bank. You have to log in to the internet banking and after selecting your card number and the amount of money you want to transfer.

You can pre-schedule also for the transfer of fund into credit card account.

Customer care number

Toll free customer care number for any inquiry related to Allahabad credit card are18005722000, 18005722000.

Pros and Cons

1)Allahabad credit cards are unique and poor people or entrepreneur oriented. Allahabad credit cards grant a loan facility to artesian, agriculture people, weavers etc.
2) INR two lakh is available for forty eight months at low interest rate.Allahabad Bank is one of the oldest Nationalized banks.
3)Credit cards offered by  Allahabad bank is seems to meet the social responsibility.  
There is no such problem related to Allahabad credit card.


Allahabad credit card is unique and beneficial to poor peoples. These credit cards are designed to help the artisans, potato growers, weavers, etc. All these peoples are low income group and they always face problem in managing fund for their business. Requirements to take Allahabad credit card are easy and simple. It allows taking loan up to INR two lakh for forty eight months at low interest rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which credit card of Allahabad is suitable for day to day purchasing work?

Allahabad General credit card (GCC) is suitable for day to day purchasing work. Most of the Allahabad credit cards are unique and oriented to provide a particular class of poor people. General credit card is designed to help to do purchasing without paying any currency.

Is it necessary to have an artesian certificate to have an artesian credit card? 

No, it is not mandatory. If a customer has good credit report with Allahabad bank, he or she is also eligible for an artesian credit card of Allahabad Bank.

Can I open Allahabad credit card by applying on line?

Most of the credit card offered by Allahabad bank are oriented to provide economic help to poor section. Almost all the credit cards of Allahabad bank are for granting loans. Hence to apply for such type credit card, Allahabad bank has kept it essential to visit the branch office of Allahabad bank. More detail you can monitor the face book page of the bank –

Can I pay bill of Allahabad bank credit card online?

Yes, you can pay the credit card dues by help of online banking of Allahabad bank. If you want to pay the bill every month on a particular fixed date, that can also be pre-scheduled. Regular update on bank you can connect with Instagram link-

What are the Customer Care Numbers of Allahabad Credit Card?

Allahabad credit card customer care numbers are -18005722000, 18005722000. The zone wise customer complaint number /email can be obtained by following link-